
[I wish I had documented more of my management placement but time ran away with me and, well, here we are 3 months later qualified, but do indulge me a moment.] Fit. Adjective. Of a suitable quality, standard or type. Management placement taught me two main things: That I am fit for the register. I don’t…

Passing the baton

I potentially helped out at my last open day today… There are two weeks left of lectures… Management placement is just around the corner. I love my university, like REALLY love it. Some might say I am “over enthusiastic” although I don’t like the term – that makes it sound like you can have too…

3.1 in the ED: Emotional intelligence.

[There have been many many lessons the past couple of weeks.] We can’t save everyone, yet there is still a part of me that expects us to be able to when things go wrong. I have struggled to reconcile the past couple of weeks with the fact that sometimes everything isn’t enough. That the human body…

3.1 in the ED: Week 3 – “The week that wasn’t”

[This week has been all kinds of frustrating!] To have missed an entire week of placement is a huge deal when it is only 9 weeks long. We are approaching interim interview territory and I have only completed 5 shifts and somehow, I just don’t feel like thats going to cut it where I have…

“Turn your wounds into wisdom”: My ‘Why’

[…and why it has taken so long to find it] I have been inspired this week by Kath Evans – Director of Children’s Nursing for Barts Health NHS Trust. She posted a blog recently about her new role and her ‘why’ – what she is inspired by, her aspirations, her vision and, importantly, how she…

3.1 in the ED: Week 2 – “Oh bother”

[I have a little more time on my hands than I expected] Monday: Long Day I was in the Emergency Observation Unit for this shift. The first day the unit has been back under the control of ED for a few months. It meant that our morning was filled with cleaning, organising, restocking and getting…

3.1 in the ED: Week 1 – “Put on your big girl pants”

[So I’m gonna try to blog weekly about my time in the ED #dontholdmetoitthough] Well, thats it gang. My first week in the ED is DONE and boy did it go FAST. It has been a mixed week; some highs and lows and a bit too much coffee. It has without doubt though, been a week…

Fancy some end of year highlights?

2019 is beckoning folks. The end of December is a time where many of us reflect on the year gone by; the highs, the lows, the in-betweens. The wins and losses. The unforgettable and “I’d rather forget” moments. No prizes for guessing what this blog is going to be about then… This year has been…